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Magazine - Climate Justice

Climate change, is it a man-made dilemma or a biological hazard?

by Joana Alarcão

Climate change is a complex and controversial issue ( well not really) that has been the topic of many discussions and used as an excuse for the implementation of human hate policies.

Climate change is a complex and controversial issue ( well not really) that has been the topic of many discussions and used as an excuse for the implementation of human hate policies. But can it be reckoned as a recent issue? Is the “society” and the “undeserving human” a root of all evil? Or just a clog caught up in the machine?

Hey guys, as an ecological artist I have been researching climate change and its impact on society and individuals. Reading ecological theories and tendencies made me think about the faculty behind the occurring facts. I believe more than what is said in recent years about the fate of Humans ( so serious). Because this is not a recent issue, so what is the missing character ( the name of my recent project) that links it all. The disconnection from nature is not at all recent and can be more said as a crisis of reason than anything else.

A crisis of reason meaning, the method where we question our faculty of reasoning, our faculty of making good decisions in prone of yourselves is of incoherent bases.We so naively believe in theories and facts that seem to absolve us of the facts that bring social and ecological injustice.

The relevance of context and consciousness

When I try to assess the impact of climate change I understand that it goes beyond economic, political or even social beliefs. The real threat to the environment is indeed the individual consciousness but is it fruitful to continue with this blaming game. I have been raveling around this question for years and as I dwell on the morality of our actions ( yes our not there ). I question if it is the individual conjunction of actions that inevitably leads us to oblivion or governmental reformulations based on optimistic theories that cause more harm than good.

Do our cognitive/ Hierarchical systems affect us?

Climate change is not a recent issue, we are well aware that humans are the cause of biodiversity loss and climate temperature changes, however, when wanting to instigate a social change, can we continue with this finger-pointing? Have you considered that, just maybe, our society has evolved way past the capacity of our ancestral brain and behavioral patterns? The primal instinct systems are still equal to our 80 000 ancestors, we have not evolved that much, not in biological and brain construction terms.

Therefore even though we all seem to understand the repercussions of our actions, unconsciously we can’t erase years of “bad” habits, that in fact, helped us survive billions of years and prosper. That we have seen and know works. It feed our families, gave sustainability to thousands of people and maintains the balance. The balance we all don’t want to eradicate.

Mental triggers and responses that instigate certain behaviors are as important as our own decisions. Yes, some actions are indeed pure stupidity, some of us did not win the biological IQ lottery. But can we doom an entire race and all the ones around it because we believe that white is white and black, black. ( no pun intended)

No, more is to be said about the current problems that surround our current society. It takes time and some ego switch off but we can approach all these issues in a superior light. More importantly from a less judgmental and blaming standpoint. Because when we consider the nihilistic point of view we seem to forget that we are also part of this wretched species called homo-sapiens.


In conversation: Katerina Pravda

Conversation with artist Katerina Pravda whose artistic inclinations bow to the graceful intermingling of endangered species, elegant people, and their ever-changing environment.

by Joana Alarcão

The Hand and the Hammer: Art as a tool for social change

“Art is not a mirror to reflect reality, but a hammer with which to shape it”.

By Andrew Bell

In conversation: Lauren Saunders

In this interview Lauren Saunders explores how her experimental practice-research intertwines art, ecology, and social change amidst the climate crisis. Through collaborative, interdisciplinary efforts, she advocates for compassionate action and restorative connections with our planet and each other. Join us as we delve into Saunders' visionary approach towards fostering empathy, kindness, and kinship with the Earth.

Joana Alarcão

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